Hi All,

I am stumped. I had to use a socket to connect to a fully RESTfull
(PUT, DELETE ect..) web service endpoint on our server. It has been
testing fine when running from my local file system (actually have
been wondering why I am not getting sandbox errors as this is
definately not connecting to the same host...). However, once I deploy
the app to the server, I am now getting Error#2048 Security Sandbox

Error#2048 Security sandbox violation cannot load data from

Very strange as you can see the swf is loaded from the same host...

I added the following crossdomain.xml to the server root but am still
getting the error, do I have to write custom code to fetche the policy
file as I dont even see flash VM requesting it in server access logs?

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
  <allow-access-from domain="*" />

Any help is much appreciated.



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