This might be a basic AS question, but I encountered it building a 
Flex app, so...

I create a Date

        var date:Date = new Date();

I create an Array

        var arr:Array = new Array();

I set the first element of the array equal to the date

        arr[0] = date;

I create another date variable that refers to the first array element

        var ref:Date = arr[0] as Date;

if I trace("date="+date+", arr[0]="+arr[0]+", ref="+ref) I get

date=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 GMT-0400 2008, arr[0]=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 
GMT-0400 2008, ref=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 GMT-0400 2008

Now I null out the ref variable


Since AS uses references instead of values I would expect to null out 
the original date, but no...

If I trace("date="+date+", arr[0]="+arr[0]+", ref="+ref) I now get

date=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 GMT-0400 2008, arr[0]=Wed Jul 16 21:04:45 
GMT-0400 2008, ref=null

I thought everything was a reference in AS?  Shouldn't nulling ref 
also null arr[0] which would null out date?

Ultimately... I have a custom object that has several fields each 
containing a Date.  I create an array and make each element in the 
array = each Date in the custom obj.  I need to be able to null an 
array element and have it carry backwards into the object and null 
out the original Date.  Any ideas?  Am I missing something really 

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