Yes, what you're describing is exactly what I described and is, in fact, what 
it happening... but to say I don't ever need to do this?  Well... yes... I need 
to do this... and it has nothing to do with the garbage collector.
Here, let me explain in another way....
I have a custom object... lets say it's a Person object.  It has various 
properties, but several are Date types.  These are all consecutive, like a 
workflow, and I want to be able to address them in order via an array... like 
var person : Person = new Person();
person.wakeup = new Date();person.breakfast = new Date();person.lunch = new 
Date();person.dinner = null;person.bedtime = null;
var timeArr : Array = new Array();
timeArr[0] = person.wakeup;timeArr[1] = person.breakfast;timeArr[2] = 
person.lunch;timeArr[3] = person.dinner;timeArr[4] = person.bedtime;
Then some other code figures out where we are in the flow of the day's events...
var status : int;
if (some criteria)
      {  event = 2;  }
But I determine lunch hasn't actually happened yet, so it shouldn't have a Date 
yet.  I need to blank out this value that was previously set in the Person 
if (some criteria)
     {  timeArr[event] = null;  }
But since these references don't seem to propogate backwards, nulling one of 
the array elements doesn't affect the original property.  That's the *whole 
purpose* of reference vs value... a reference is a pointer to memory space... 
so if I null that memory space it should affect all the vars pointing to that 
memory space.
Does that make more sense?Darren

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:30:29 
+1000Subject: Re: [flexcoders] Array reference vs values

When you do this:  var date:Date = new Date();You're creating an instance of 
Date and a reference to it named "date".When you do this:  var ref:Date = 
arr[0] as Date;You're creating another reference to the same instance, this 
time your reference is named "ref". So when you set ref = null, you're making 
"ref" point to nothing. "date" and "arr[0]" remain unchanged. You don't need 
to, nor can you remove the date instance created above. That's the job of the 
garbage collector.-Josh
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Darren Houle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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