The SQLite database is part of the AIR architecture, not of flex. So you can 
only use the database in an air application, not in a flex application that is 
running inside a web browser.

If you do deploy an air application, it will provide you with the basic tools 
for synchronizing your data, but does not provide any actual synchronization 
engine. In other words, it allows you to insert into and select from the SQLite 
database, arrange selected data however you wish, and communicate with the 
server, but the actual logic of synchronization is completely up to you. You 
should be aware that this can get quite daunting if you need to allow for 
multiple users to share data and/or each user to store data on multiple 

----- Original Message ----
From: itdanny2002 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 6:51:39 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Can SQLite work in non-AIR envirnoment ?

Hi All,

I found that a lot of FLEX application used
SQLite. However, most of them is in AIR. Can
it be used in web-based and do sync with server ?

I wanna to design a web application which has data 
in client PC and sync with data in server side. Can 
it be ? Any light/direction on it ?




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