I have an application where the FlexMDI windows are being created
dynamicly via actionscript however the MDICanvas is being created on
inital application creation. When i make the state go to another state
other then the default and try to add an mdiwindow, it adds fine
however when you click on it it gives errors about titlebar being
pressed and bringtofrontproxy . here is the basic code.

btw im using the latest flexlib build (downloaded it today) , i tried
this with the old flexmdi build also , same problem. 

// on second state call create widgetfunction
private function createWidgets():void{
        this.mdic.effects = new MDIVistaEffects
         var widgetWindow:MDIWindow = new MDIWindow();
         widgetWindow.title = "Your Live Widgets";
        widgetWindow.width = 400;
        widgetWindow.height = 400;

when i do that the window creates, but when i click on the window i
get this error

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.

and then this error right after

ypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.

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