Hi Mike,

You'll need to recalibrate your newly-installed console. Since you reloaded the program, and started with a fresh database, you'll need to recalibrate. Specifically, on the Setup > General tab, you should run the "Level (db)" calibration. This will properly position your signal trace on the panadapter display (and more), and then you should also perform the frequency, and image null calibration steps.

73, Dale WA8SRA

Michael wrote:
Can someone clarify the folowing for me. I am using a SDR 1000 with a Delta 44 audio card...
I am looking at the PANADAPTER trace on the screen.  When I did the first instal of the POWER SDR Beta 1.3.2 my green signal trace was at the BOTTOM  of my screen.  IF my memory was correct in the setup DISPLAY tab settings SPECTRUM GRID box, the Min was at -150 or so.  I notice NOW , on reloading the program again and generating in the process a new data file, that my panadapter display is up towards the top of my screen.  IF I want to now have it go to the bottom of the screen I need to go to -45 in the MIn setting in the Spectrum Grid box. I also notice that the deflection of the green trace is 'taller' (greater than before) Can one retain the spectrum grid at say -150 yet have the panadapter display at the bottom of my screen as I once had it.
Is there another adjustment I have missed to move the panadapter display down to the bottom of the screen? Or is there an 'alignment' that I must perform?

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