
There is a major update to the project. Among other things, it includes

(1) new spectrum and metering code and protocol, in their final shape, if not final details;
(2) corrected digital agc;
(3) additional new companding code for audio amplitude compression and expansion on both TX and RX; (4) improvements and modifications to the iambic and keyboard keyers;
(5) uncountably many other corrections and minor fixes.

Up-to-date alternate Windows code is now provided in the win subdirectory, thanks to the sweat of N4HY's brow. A special circle of heaven is reserved for things like that.

There is also a new directory, pyhw2, with C functions and Python bindings for the up-to-date hardware control code.

The Python "virtual radio" executive, console, spectrum/waterfall display, and modified gmfsk with integrated SDR-1000 functionality to follow over the next few weeks.


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