Joe, others:

There are many issues with the old digitalagc. It has been replaced in the next release with a complete rewrite by Frank and I but we can and should go further. Alex, VE3NEA, has proposed a very interesting and complex structure with high computational complexity that I am considering. It is based on attempting to maintain a set SNR to relieve fatigue. I make a living by taking things of high computational complexity and finding good approximations at much reduced computational complexity but ideas are needed before I jump headlong
into this.

We are in the midst of doing our best to "perfect" this agc. It is at the heart of what makes this radio so different in that it cannot be captured by strong out of passband signals.


Joe - AB1DO wrote:

I have investigated this clicking further and discovered that the clicking disappears when I set the AGC to fixed (both NR and ANF still on). With the AGC set to fixed, I then went to the SDR setup DSP tab and increased the fixed gain using the little up/down arrows to the right of the list box. With each increase I heard the same click, which became louder as the AGC gain increased. If I adjusted any other list box I heard nothing. To me this would seem to indicate that with the AGC on any other setting other than fixed, as the AGC adjusts the gain value, a click is audible.

I hope this useful to anyone to help me solve this issue.


Hi All,

On SSB *receive*, I am experiencing soft clicking sounds when *both* the NR and ANF are on. I have played with many combinations of DSP settings and audio sample sizes, but nothing seems to help, nor does cycling power on/standby. CPU usage is around 10%. Does anyone have any ideas?

My setup is as follows: Dell dimension 3000 computer (P4 HT 3GHz, 1Gb RAM, XP Home SP2), the Delta-44 sound card with HOSA cable set and audio run through a Behringer UB802 mixer (mic preamp and headphone amp). I have not adjusted either the card line-in gain (20) or the output voltage (.98) in the SDR setup audio tab.

73 de Joe, AB1DO


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