Ken - Here is my understanding thanks to Dale Richardson. First of all, I am using the Delta-44 sound card plus my old Sound Blaster Live as a second sound card. I am using a second sound card so that I can route either the microphone or the output from MixW (psk, rtty, sstv, fsk, and on and on) into the SDR-1000. As I switch from mode to mode I make no changes to the SDR-1000 set-up. The only thing that is changing is the use of the second sound card. The goal is to generate as much gain as you can from the second sound card without overdriving the SDR-1000 to minimize noise generated by the Delta-44.

Once you have the second sound card configured like you want you start QuickMix running and select "save". You then assign a name to the file that you can remember like "ssb" or "psk". The levels for the Delta-44 are set with its own program. I run QuickMix and load the proper file ("ssb", "psk", etc.) every time I turn on the SDR-1000 with the FlexRadio software based on what mode I want to operate.

On the FlexRadio software I have the front console MIC set to 1. As I recall I have the MIC-GAIN on the TRANSMIT TAB set to about 25.

Dale - I still consider myself a beginner so please jump in here if I said anything wrong to Ken.

By the way everyone, on the subject of logging software, rather than reinvent the wheel I would like to suggest implementing MixW since the logging function is already built right in, MixW supports just about every digital mode known to man including SSB (wave files) and CW, and I understand that MixW will also print QSL cards.

John Denson, AI6A

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken - N9VV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "John Denson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] what MIC gain to set on SSB?

Hi John,
Golly QuickMis sounds too good to be true. Does QuickMix save the Delta-44 settings? and the MOBO sound card settings? then what about changes in the Console? there are two different places that seem to interact in the Console (a) the MIC-GAIN on the TRANSMIT TAB and again on the front Console windows for MIC.
BK de Ken

John Denson wrote:
Eric - I am using QuickMix for SSB, PSK-31 and CW setups. I have a QuickMix file saved for each of those three setups. When I want to do one of those modes I run QuickMix and load one of those three files. Once you get the setup working like you want you save it with QuickMix for future use.

John Denson, AI6A

----- Original Message ----- From: "FlexRadio - Eric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Alan Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "FlexRadio Reflector" <>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] what MIC gain to set on SSB?


You are absolutely right about all of those controls interacting. There are so many sliders when you introduce a second sound card that it can really complicate things. My suggestion would be to find some kind of standard for most of the controls and then just use 1 or 2 to switch between modes.

For example, right now we force the main volume and wave out volume to maximum when using a single consumer card setup. This allows us complete flexibility in the software and we can still control the input volume using the MIC / Line In Gain settings. It would be nice to have this kind of thing built into the software. However, this is more difficult than it would first seem because we are not restricting the second sound card to any particular set of sound cards. I'd like to hear from some others that are using a second card for a Mic preamp and see how they switch between SSB and digital modes.


Ken N9VV wrote:

Dear SDR-1000 guys,
I just tried my first SSB contact using a Delta-44, MOBO card for pre-amp, and 1.3.5 with Bill's mods.

I was confused because I found three MIC-GAIN settings
that all seem to interact:
(a) the MIC gain of the MOBO card and the LINE-OUT level of the MOBO card
(b) the MIC GAIN of the TRANSMIT tab on the Console settings menu
(c) the MIC gain setting on the front of the Console

How do you guys set all those levels? If I want to go back to digital modes later, how can I save all those SSB settings and get back to digi levels?

I successfully worked CY9SS is on the air on 17M 18.148.100. I could say that I "busted the pileup"
but in reality it was just dumb luck :-)

TU de Ken N9VV

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