
What I'm using for development is Visual Studio 2003 Professional. I've seen statements that the cheapest version (student, eductational, what have you) you can find will work. There's also an open source kit mentioned on N8VB's site, but I don't believe it's got a C compiler which will be needed to build the DttSP pieces as well as some other native code (PortAudio, FFTW, others). I think MS has command line versions of their compilers available for free download, you might be able to lash them up together with one of the open source C# environments, but it would certainly take some work.

The Flex source archives are at:

If you want my deltas to match the binary you're running they are at: - this file only contains changed files from the stock 1.3.5 code from Flex.

Don't know how much of a roadmap there is at the moment. Virtual Serial port stuff is working, and Bob, K5KDN is putting the finishing touches on his 2nd gen CAT commands. No virtual sound card yet I know of.


Bill (kd5tfd)

At 10:33 PM 6/15/2005, Larry Loen wrote:
So, now that I'm probably going to slow down a bit, operationally, it's time for me to turn my attention to the software a bit.

I have some experiements I'd like to think about, at least.

Is there a nice, succint roadmap as to how to go about this? I don't have a serious C# development kit. I probably need MS' because I'd likely be revising and even redesigning the forms to get the behavior I want. I do have the Mono project on Linux, but my Linux is 2.4 based and difficult to upgrade.

What do I need to get started and how much does it cost? Assuming it is enough just to buy the Visual C# .Net kit, is buying the latest Visual C++ a good idea, or would my good ol' version 5 kit (or, Borland's C++ Builder) do well enough?

Also, do we have a good roadmap for putting all the pieces together? I could imagine launching the console, the virtual COM and then writing from scratch skins to operate it. Do we have a virtual sound card yet?

Also, I seem to have misplaced the source for the 1.3.5 (KD5TFD WIP Experimental w/ N8VB HRD Fix 20050605) version I've been using. Where is that? I think I'd like to start any experiments from the source code version. I know it's a bit "out there" but it has been very stable for and I might even be able to modify some of the existing controls (or help me see how to add new ones). I haven't tried 1.3.8 or the stuff in-between. The notes flying back and forth here are a bit on the scary side ("protect your amplifier", whatever that means) and so I haven't looked too deeply past 1.3.5, as patched, since it was working so well.

Should I be using 1.3.8?  Haven't even dared download it.

Larry, WO0Z

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