Dear 1.3.9 tester dudes,
T/R times have got to be the best we have ever seen.
It looks as good as one of the early 0.n.n releases.

I tried CW on 40M with these audio/DSP buffers with these results:

Audio    DSP
2048    2048 ok
2048    1024 ok
2048     512 ok
2048     256 ok
2048     128 ok
2048      64 ok

1024    2048 ok
1024    1024 slow flutter
1024     512 faster flutter
1024     256 very fast flutter

the following with pops and crackles
moving IF width or shift causes audio to glitch
512     2048 ok
512     1024 slow flutter
512      512 fast flutter
512      128 very fast flutter

the following with pops and crackles
moving IF width or shift causes audio to glitch
256     2048 ok
256     1024 flutter so bad RX unusable
256      512 fast flutter
256      256 very fast flutter

the DELAY setting on the CW window does not work.
The new T/R is super fast!

PC Celeron 2.4GHz 1GB RAM, Delta-44, USB interface, four board stack + PA.

de Ken N9VV

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