The beginning of the tone after you decide to go is a constant distance in the ring buffer. What varies is the time it takes the cascade of events swapping the radio over and the computer over. This delay in the ring buffers in 1.4.0 is 240 samples. I have changed that to 480 samples. When this is released in 1.4.1, we can get some more feedback. I am VERY reluctant to increase this. It means delay between push and hearing the sound. This becomes very difficult to manage, especially at higher speeds. This radio
takes too long to swap over and the only recourse we have is to build delay
into the CW ring buffer between the time you push the key and the time it produces tone because of the cascade of events that must happen in order. QSK will not describe this hardware even though it has really been shortened by development and careful coding over the last 6 months. We are getting close to the limits of
our ability to do more.

The other thing in 1.4.0 is that I noticed that unlike all of the other setting functions for the keyer, I forgot to protect the CW ring buffer reset at MOX going false from operation. This was really dumb and can cause a small burst of "white noise". This is almost immediately corrected when the ring buffer is called upon to produce silence or tone and fixes itself. This was an oversight and is fixed in 1.4.1.

I will be unable to do anything else now until Monday as I am out of town until


John Ackermann N8UR wrote:

Robert McGwier wrote:

It appears that when the setup panel was reconfigured so that we would
not have
scrolling for the DSP panel, that somehow the control for semi-breakin
has been
messed up.  The control is there,  and in the parallel port polling
thread, it is being
calculated.  But I agree, it is not changing things.  It is the
default which I find
comfortable and so I never changed it when "testing".

I am sure Eric can fix it in a few minutes.  Expect 1.4.1 early!


Hi Bob --

In 1.4.0 I still noticed a missing first dit at about 25WPM.  At 20WPM,
it didn't seem to happen, though I didn't test exhaustively.  I'm using
the USB cable and wonder if that might be a factor?


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