Eric wrote:


The MixW com port setting was removed in order to support the latest
version of Phil's vCOM based on what I understand.  It is also my
understanding that Phil's vCOM supports all of the software that the
mixW driver did and thensome.  If I am incorrect, please let me know and
we will either add support for that driver back in, or get it working
with the vCOM driver / PowerSDR.


Even Phil's 222 build has (so far ) supported MixW very well. I think I had the thread lockout problem solved by 224 precisely once in many evening's operations. I don't see any reason to use MixW's one -- Phils is better and you have the versatility of switching to (e.g. ) ham radio deluxe without missing a beat.

But, what's key is that it works fine with Phil's code.

Larry   WO0Z

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