Fellow sdrmen,

Several of us are struggling with what seems to be a common problem. All using the 100w sdr with the Delta 44 and breakout box.

The ssb audio is distorted seemingly by rf getting into the sound card and/or radio.

I have tried many and varied ferrites, various forms of grounding, etc. Tonight, I connected to a dummy load, and monitored the audio on a separate rx - an 775dsp set to 3.6 Khz bandwidth.

Speaking into the mic, as I turn the power meter from 1 to 100w, I can hear the rf in my particular set up begin to distort the audio at approx. the 20 w level. Under that, the audio is presentable. Above 20w, the rf begins to show up and distort the audio. I am using an EV RE27 mic and the Beringer 802 mixer to feed directly into the Delta 44.

Several of us are working to find the route and method the rf is getting into the audio. Seems to be a common problem. If someone has found the secret, I would certainly like to compare notes.

Thanks for any suggestions or assist. 73, Mike K5NU

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