
Yes and no.  If a button's click event is activated and the button has
focus, the Enter key acts the same way as the left mouse button.  You shold
be able to program two keys on your ShuttlePro for "Enter" and
"Shift+Enter".  The drawback here (and even if we make new keyboard
assignments for this function) is that the band button must have the focus
for the keystrokes to work.

I agree with you and Larry that a single keystroke to go backwards would be
better but I totally disagree with using the right mouse button for that
action for two reasons:  (1)  we would be violating a generally accepted UI
convention where the right mouse button is normally used for opening
property boxes or context menus and (2) command buttons do not have an event
associated with the right mouse button, using a different event would
require more rewrite (but it is possible to do).

I really want to wait for the new architecture to be disclosed before I do
any more code changes.



-----Original Message-----
From: ecellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 6:23 AM
To: 'ecellison'; 'Larry Loen'; 'Bob Tracy'
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] Going up/down in the bandstack


This was a most popular and fairly popular discussion and feature. Thanks
for the coding. I hope Eric1 incorporates it.
My only other request is that we be able to ascribe a single keyboard
kestroke function so that we could do it on the keyboard, as well as assign
it to two shuttle keys.

Is that do-able?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Loen
Sent: Monday, September 05, 2005 2:54 AM
To: Bob Tracy
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Going up/down in the bandstack

Bob Tracy wrote:

>There was a lot of discussion on the TS forum last Saturday about being
>to reverse direction when moving through the bandstack registers.  I was
>playing around with it today and came up with a method for doing this using
>a Shift+Click to go backwards through the register.  Unfortunately, I did
>not see a way to modify Eric's ThreadSafe Control class to make the mod in
>only one place so it would have to be added to each band button click
>in console.cs.  Here's an example for the 20 meter band button:
My prior idea was to simply use right click to go in the opposite direction.

I doubt if the coding is any harder and it would certainly be simple and

Larry WO0Z

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