

I do not recall having ever said a single thing about removing DDS chips from a circuit board. I do however see great promise for a removable I/Q clock generation module. It has been my experience in watching Flex do business over the past two years, and Elecraft in the years before and continuing, that if a widget comes along that promises to make things better and the justification is strong enough, people do it. On the need for high conversion and the management of multiple conversion stages: until the measurements we are getting from independent labs/testers show otherwise, I see no reason whatsoever to do a single thing beyond the dual conversion strategy we are following now. One in hardware, one in software and the one in software done with spur avoidance in its strategem. People continue to knock direct conversion or near direct conversion to me regularly, only to eat their words when the receiver is measured. Pardon me if I simply ignore advice that does not meet with the experience I have now gained based on the theoretical work that led to the modifications of the design which produces the current results.

Right now, the SDR-1000, with it's AD9854 DDS is providing spectacular receiver performance based on the "dual conversion" strategy we are using. The lab numbers speak for themselves. I do not need to argue about it and this is my last note on it. DDS technology is marching on (and has) and I see no reason to tie a new generation down when a simple disconnect could be engineered to make substitution possible.


Lyle Johnson wrote:

Isn't dithering equivalent to phase noise? Trading off one of the DDS' greatest strengths to help overcome its greatest weakness...

Lyle KK7P

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