Good morning all.  I know I should be inside watching some opening day
football.  But wanted to listen to the new radio for a bit this morning.

I have everything installed ok it seems, including the USB to parallel
drivers and VCom (awesome utility!)

I also linked up with my Logic 7 program keeping the baud rate at 4800.  Was
wondering if there is a setting for VCom to utilize a higher baud rate?

Also have a couple observations and questions that have probably already
been addressed, but I could not find them.

1.  I found the cw tab in the setup screen.  Must be blind cuz I did not see
it before.  Is there a way, or possible to include in the future, to be able
to reduce the sidetone volume during transmit but not having it change
during rx?

2.  Still a bit uncomfortable with the CW with the key connected to the back
of the SDR1K.  I understand it works much better when connected to a native
serial port on the computer.  Does the iambic paddle just connect to 3 pins
of the com port, and if so, which ones?  Or will this only work with an
outboard keyer like a microham cw keyer or the idiom press Logikeyer with
their CW outputs connected to the comport?

3.  Is there a way to vary the RF gain?

4.  I did the calibration routines using the Elecraft XG-1 and seemed to
have worked great at the time.  But then say on 20M with no connection on
the radio, the noise floor seems to be around -130 db on the display, but in
the window it bounces between -114 and -118 with an S2 noise level.  With an
S2 noise level this seems about right for 6db per S unit, but with the
antenna disconnected, shouldn't the S-meter be at zero after it was

5.  I entered the values for the transmitter set up per the note that came
with the radio.  But the output is down by about 20W per my very accurate
Powermaster meter.  When I set the SDR to 100W it seems like I am only
getting about 81W output into a 50 ohm dummy load.

Now also I forgot to do the image rejection so gotta do that now.

Thanks again in advance.  So far this is much better than the 2002 version.


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