Sola Constant Voltage Harmonic Neutralized Transformer for great isolation and surge suppression.

I have 1KW unit in the closet so I don't have to listen to the hum. The power various supplies the feeds the radios plugs into it, and now so will the PC to run the PowerFlex Software.

I have another one for my PC's, the UPS plugs into it, and the PC's into the UPS, works wonders with the nasty power I have locally.

The only pain about it is not only the hum, but that you need to turn it off when not in use, that puppy has a 100% duty factor, it pulls close to a KW while sitting idle. I actually gets hotter when there is no load on it.

They were going to trash it at work, all it had was a bad capacitor, and a thorough cleaning, I fixed it for about $30

At 09:51 AM 10/6/2005, you wrote:
At 07:40 AM 10/6/2005, Dale Boresz wrote:
>Hello Tim,
>I'm confident that the hardware issues related to the Eham review are
>the exception and not the rule. Remember, many early purchasers of the
>SDR-1000 assembled their radios in sections, probably purchasing the
>board stack first, with the remainder to follow. That leaves a lot of
>opportunity to benfit from careful assembly technique, or to suffer from
>poor assembly technique.

I doubt anyone soldered their own boards, and some of the problems with
early units that have been reported have been either design decisions
(switching vs linear regulator; heat problems with the DDS chips), failed
components, or things like broken traces.

Yep, the 1/8" stereo mini-phone jack connectors are crummy, but as I
understand it, that was a design decision to allow folks to get up and
running quickly with cables from radio shack or best buy.  Ya gotta pick
something when making that first board run, and then you're stuck with it.

>Right from the beginning, I had concerns about the fact that the total
>radio 'system' was actually distributed between a computer and the
>SDR-1000 hardware, and took the precaution of assuring that both the
>computer and the power supply for the radio were connected to the same
>isolated power source via an APC brand UPS system, model # "Back-UPS XS

That's not a static inverter type UPS (at least as far as the cutsheet
shows), so it doesn't really provide an isolated power source. when not
running off batteries, it's really no different than plugging everything
into a standard surge protected plug strip.

James Lux, P.E.
Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystems Group
Flight Communications Systems Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 161-213
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
tel: (818)354-2075
fax: (818)393-6875

FlexRadio mailing list

Cecil Bayona

I fail to see why doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results every time is insanity: I've almost proved it isn't; only a few more tests now and I'm sure results will differ this time ...

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