It is sad that Chris chose to review the radio this way. It makes the SDR1000 appear questionable and nothing could be further from the truth. Frustration can do some nasty things however. He is one of six reviews of the SDR1000 on eHam. Maybe some of us should also let eHam know how we feel about the radio so Chris's review is not a stick in the eye.

--Larry W8ER

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gerald Youngblood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tim Ellison'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Eham Review

Hi Tim,

I am afraid I must chime in on this topic because of some misperceptions
that may arise from the exam review.

First, the reviewer purchased a used radio with components purchased in kit
form and built up by two previous owners over a two year period.  We keep a
database of every radio and upgrade shipped.  That radio's original 3 board
set was manufactured in Bulgaria in mid 2003, while current production is in
Austin, Texas.

The current units also have some differences in the packaging, including a
deeper enclosure with the fan moved inside, metal spacers vs. the earlier
nylon ones, LED lighted switch, internal wiring improvements, etc.  This is
in addition to its now being the highest dynamic range receiver on the
market.  One thing that has been different about this radio is that the
purchaser of serial number uno over two years ago has had the opportunity to
upgrade to the latest performance.

Secondly, I spent quite some time with the reviewer on the phone even though
his rig is well out of warranty.  I am not aware of any other customer who
has experienced similar RF feedback problems to those he described.
However, I experienced a similar problem in my shack on a late 1990s, fully
shielded, unnamed Japanese made radio at any power level of >50W.  I am sure
my problem was RF radiation in the shack but I never had time to solve it.
Too busy building radios.

Finally, we hope that the software will FOREVER be a "work in progress!"  If
it not, you and we have run out of good ideas.  PowerSDR is a work in
progress in the same way that Windows, Linux, Quicken, MixW, and you name
your favorite application is a work in progress.  This is a SOFTWARE radio.
The hardware is very stable and is unlikely to change a lot now.  It now has
top receiver and transmitter performance that can be increased even further
through software enhancements.  We have plans to do just that.

PowerSDR version 1.4.4 is a VERY stable official release. Use it if you are
uncomfortable with beta.  PowerSDR v1.4.5 is also very stable but it is
still beta code.  Unlike most software, PowerSDR allows you to keep all
previous versions on the computer so you can switch between them.  That
means that you can try out the latest and greatest beta and switch back
instantly to the official release.  You can even have multiple versions
loaded at the same time so long as only one is running.

I will note that we do more frequent beta releases than most companies
because we believe that our customers enjoy having access to new features
and performance sooner rather than later.  The down side is that it creates
the PERCEPTION of instability.  We have discussed creating a separate
discussion board for beta only because of the confusion that may cause new
visitors.  We would be interested in hearing from you on the reflector as to
whether that would be a good idea.

In closing, let me state that FlexRadio is unaware of any hardware problems
that need to be addressed on current production units.  However, older units
may require ECOs to bring them up to the latest performance.

We appreciate all feedback and ideas, especially the encouragement we have
received from so many of you.  We want everyone to have a great experience
with the radio even back to serial number 1 (VE3CEK) on May 7, 2003.

FlexRadio Systems

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Eham Review

Bom dia. Oi.

For me, this was an informative and interesting review.  I am
very seriously considering the purchase of an SDR-1000.  In
preparation, I have upgraded my computer, purchased the
Delta44 and Eric's ground isolation kit.  The only thing that
has prevented me from purchasing one to date is that I had to
leave the country for 2 months on business.

I am going into my SDR-1000 adventure with my eyes wide open.
 I am aware that the software is a work in progress and that
this is not an "appliance operator" type of radio.  No
problem.  I've lived on the cutting edge before so I know
what to expect.  The support and contributions of this group
also has lessened my fears that the ~$1500 will be a well
spent future investment.

What concerns me is that a core part of my reasoning for
going ahead with the SDR-1000 purchase was based on the
assumption that the hardware component of the radio was, for
the most part solid.  I am aware that there have been minor
improvements in the past to correct issues.  That is to be  expected.

But the e-ham review brought up some interesting issues.
Mostly about the construction quality, PA oscillations and RF
susceptibility.  I realize that one review doesn't properly
describe the true state of things, but along with the other
threads on this forum about problems being attributed to cold
solder joints, I started wondering about my future purchase.

The rebuttal e-ham review by KD5RD clearly defined the well
known accolades and potential issues of *software* defined
radios but doesn't address any of the hardware construction
issues raised by AA8VL.

Therefore I am interested in the discussion that this review
will generate in this forum and also on e-ham.  Hopefully my
fears will be abated by the responses.

Até logo

73 de W4TME

Integrated Technical Services

"You can't close the door when the walls cave in" --Robert Hunter

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of VA3MA - Dan
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 11:16 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Eham Review

Not a nice review - yet is buying another!

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