

Thanks for your explanations. I now have DXlab’s Winwarbler working using the CW keyer PTT virtual serial port input bit. The problem was the “Disable PTT checkbox”. It was checked. Since I had it working with the software rig control PTT command from Winwarbler, I didn’t spend much time on it. I can now state that the DXlab suite works via both the rig control and CW keying virtual ports with the PTT bit as long as your uncheck the “Disable PTT checkbox”.






-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio
Friday, November 11, 2005 10:57 AM
To: 'Tom Ski';
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] CW on 1.4.5 P4




Great questions (and I’m sure others have been wondering the same thing).  All of this will be documented in the operating manual when v1.4.5 goes official (i.e. no longer Beta). 


First, the “SDR” option under primary is indeed the connection via the 1/8” port on the SDR-1000.  This option replaced the less-than-obvious label that read “LPT.”  This is the option you should use if your paddles are connected directly to the SDR-1000.  Having said that, we have noted that connecting your paddles to a serial port tends to give much better timing (at least at higher speeds – 25+ WPM). 


The Disable PTT checkbox is the overall ruler of the PTT polling thread.  If the disable checkbox is marked, NO external source (paddles, third party programs, foot pedal, etc) will key the radio.  The only way to key the radio with Disable PTT on is to click the MOX button.


The CAT PTT controls are used to tell the PowerSDR software how to receive PTT signals from third party programs.  Some programs will send the MOX through CAT commands (in which case, the PTT setup is unnecessary), but others will want to use just a signal on the serial port itself (RTS or DTR).



Given the above, I would suggest that you go to the DSP -> Keyer tab and select “SDR” for the Primary connection and “None” for the secondary.  Make sure Disable PTT is _NOT_ checked, and then go back to the main console and make sure you are in a CW mode.  At this point you should be able to key the radio using your paddles connected to the SDR-1000.  Once you get that working and are feeling brave, try wiring up your paddles to a serial port and selecting that for the primary. 



Eric Wachsmann

FlexRadio Systems


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tom Ski
Friday, November 11, 2005 9:37 AM
Subject: [Flexradio] CW on 1.4.5 P4


I have finally completed all of my Fall chores and am back to the radio. I have successfully installed and operationalized the 100W amp and 1.4.5 P4 but have a question re. CW operation.


In the “New Features” noted for 1.4.5 P2, it was noted “The Primary control is expected to be used to plug in a set of paddles or a hardware keyer. Secondary is to be used for all external keying sources such as a third party program.” Does this mean that the SDR box is the “Primary” and the LPT post is “Secondary”? and does that correspond to the “DSP” – “Keyer” – “Connections” drop-down menu choices?


In addition, I am not sure how the PTT Control under the CAT control Tab interacts with the “Disable PTT” checkbox under the “Options – “General” tab and the “Semi Break in” Checkbox under the Semi-break in – Keyer – DSP Tab interact with one another and CW functioning. (PHEWW!)


Using the “old” keyer control and open CW window, I can key the SDR via paddles connected to the SDR box in the original manner. However, switching to the “new “ keyer control, I have been unable to make the radio transmit. I have not installed the virtual serial port or any third party software at this point.


Suggestions and help appreciated.






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