I have seen the BSD's but I have been having other flakes. So, this is related to VAC? Please let Eric have the dumps. There have been some changes in the C# code in the callback and I did not see these BSD's until recently (though I was running VAC before) so it looks like something may have gotten hosed.

The problem with VAC is if we find the problem is in VAC, we are stuck unless someone wants to pony up the $5000 the guy wants for his source code ;-).


Tim Ellison wrote:

I am noticing a lot of "popping" noises in the received audio in both digiU and USB mode. I checked this out with another receiver and the pops are not heard on it.

I tried changing buffer settings but nothing seems to eliminate the random popping. Over a 1 minute period, I hear anywhere from 5-20 pops. I can see this on the MixW screen too.

Changing the buffer sizes does not seem to make a difference, with the exception of the many IRQ_Not_Less_or_Equal blue screens of death that I receive if I change the some VAC, DSP and Delta 44 buffers in different orders. I have the mini dumps if anybody wants them.

_Tim Ellison_ <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
_Integrated Technical Services_ <http://www.itsco.com/>
Apex, NC USA
919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
919.215.6375 - cell
Skype: kg4rzy


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