After my post a few days ago I decided to install a TCXO in my SDR1000.
Three days since my last cal, I just checked WWV on 10MHz. I'm seeing one rotation on the 'Phase' display every 2 seconds or 1/2 Hz. Hard to tell if it's WWV or me.

I thought this was fantastic until I read Alberto's post. He's not satisfied with 2 to 3 in 10^11. That's 0.0002 to 0.0003 Hz at 10MHz. Whew, Alberto what are you doing that needs that accuracy?

Just please my need for precision and accuracy... :-)
I have always been fascinated by the art of the measure and looking
at a dual trace oscilloscope triggered by a Z3801A, showing on the
two traces the Z3801A signal and the signal generated by my GPSDO,
and seeing that they are absolutely steady one with respect to
the other, even for periods of hours, makes me happy.
You know, I am a simple man, it takes so little to make me happy :-)

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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