Would someone please send me a link to a technical reference for the 
xylo board?

Richard W5SXD

Philip Covington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
(12/01/2005 20:38)

>Hi Phil,
>Good deal, sounds great!  I am curious what sampling rate you were
>running the Wolfson chip at and whether your were doing both channels
>or just one for now?  Also, what did you decide on for synchronization
>of the audio frames between left and right channels?
>73 de Phil N8VB
>> Fellow Xyloeans,
>> Last night I managed to get audio from the Wolfson A/D, via the FPGA and FX2
>> over the USB2 at 480Mbps to the PC and out over PortAudio to the speakers.
>> For some reason PortAudio would hang after a few seconds but it was late at
>> night and not the time to start debugging.
>> Having spent some time looking at VHDL I decided to start learning Verilog
>> instead which proved to have a much shorter learning curve. I am just
>> delighted with the Xylo board and how easy it is to program with the free
>> Quartus II software.
>> Next step is to fix the PortAudio bug and get it integrated into the SDR1000
>> software.
>> 73's  Phil...VK6APH
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