
Speaking for all us newbie's, thanks for the FPGA overview and run down on
resources. Looks like we have a lot of reading/research to do to learn about
the FPGAs and related hardware and software.

As you mentioned my background was also in discrete TTL logic hardware
designs and I can see a different mindset is required for today's devices.

Looks like a lot of work, but what fun.

Steve - K5FR

-----Original Message-----
From: Lyle Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:14 AM
To: Steve Nance
Cc: 'richard allen';
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Xylo Update

> This seems to be the main site for the Xylo 
> I'm looking for other info 
> and related hardware, but am just getting started myself and about the 
> same shape as you.

There is enough information there to tell you the main parts on the board.
You then should go to the manufacturer's website and download the data
sheets and related materials regarding the specific part (the FPGA, for
example) as well as the related information (Cyclone family manuals and app
notes, the Quartus software and manuals, etc.).  Work though any tutorials
or examples you find on the software.  Quartus is a very powerful tool, but
it isn't just "push button" software.  In the en d, if you are doing
anything other than downloading and using the work someone else did, you
will have to spend some time learning the tool.

The same thing applies to the Cypress USB interface microcontroller.

When learning to work with FPGAs, there are a number of general things to be
aware of.

If your background is using discrete logic chips, like 7400 or 4000 series
(yes, that dates you as well as me) you'll quickly discover that different
approaches are required.  FPGAs typically have very limited "global clock"
resources and logic should usually be designed to be synchronous to the the
clocks.  Asynchronous logic approaches can work, but they are much more
difficult.  You can't stick a capacitor or an RC network to suppress a 2
nsec wide glitch, for example, and the FPGA internal logic is fast enough to
care about that glitch.  With the limited clocking, it is much harder to
have various counters and shift registers working at different clock rates;
you have to build clock qualification circuits to enable effective division.

If you dealt with early C compilers, you recall that you often had to
examine the assembly language output and look for errors, optimizations that
deleted code you really needed to run, and so forth.

The FPGA equivalent is to do a syntax check and correct any errors there,
then run a simulation of the input (if using VHDL or Verilog) to ensure the
logic design seems to be OK.

You then compile it, and then run the simulation on the output of the
compiler, because it will sometimes (usually?) infer things from your
statements that you did not intend.

After place and route, you back-annotate and simulate again.  Then you
download into the logic, and see if it works!  Then you try and understand
why it didn't!!!

Also, note that different FPGAs from different manufacturers have different
resources.  Sometimes there are preferred ways to write the VHDL or Verilog
to perform a specific type of function.  Pay attention to any tips or hints
or coding style information particular to the FPGA and compiler you are
using.  Just like writing lean software versus bloatware, you can write a
logic function in different ways and the difference in results can be
*huge*.  Sort of like nested if-then-else versus a case statement.
Sometimes one is better than the other based on the underlying architecture.

For debugging any but the most trivial designs, a logic analyzer is almost
indispensable.  Quartus allows you to embed one in your design, called
SignalTap, if you are willing to let Quartus report back to Altera what sort
of designs you are doing and all sorts of other "statistics."  If you find
this intrusive, you have the option to turn off SignalTap.  I am nor sure if
the Xylo USB interface supports SignalTap back to Quartus or not.

Otherwise, you have to write your own logic analyze rand insert it into the
design, bringing signals out to pins you can probe with external test
equipment. Or maybe your logic design is already pushing the limits of the
FPGA and there is no room inside for SignalTap or your own logic analyzer

I recently purchased a low cost logic analyzer to supplement my higher end
analyzer, and find it useful for FPGA projects.  YMMV, no financial
interest, etc. <>

FPGAs are powerful, and flexible.  They are the hardware equivalent of a
CPU.  And like a CPU, learning to tame them, feed them, and train them to do
what you want is an experience that can be exhilarating as well as extremely
frustrating.  Persevere!


Lyle KK7P

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