Title: Interesting behavior when connected to a dummy load

I was testing tonight into a dummy load and noticed some very peculiar behavior.

When connected to the dummy load on 14.179 MHz (USB)  I see the noise floor (signal) in the panadapter as a flat line from -10K to +10K  Hz at about -145 dBm.  That looks good to me

Now I change frequency to 14.178 MHz and I see the signal rise to -130 dBm between -10K and -9.5K Hz.  It is flat at -145dBm across the rest of the spectrum.  Looks like more noise on the low end.  Not so good.

If I change the frequency the to 14.177 MHz I see the signal rise to -113 dBm between -10K and -9.5K Hz. It is flat at -145dBm across the rest of the spectrum This shows a *lot* more noise.

Here come the strange part.

I change the frequency to 14.176 MHz and the signal looks just like the signal on 14.179.  Flat across the entire spectrum at -145 dBm.

By changing  the frequency down one kHz to 14.175, I see the signal that looks like 14.178 MHz.  A small rise to -130 dBm at the low end again.

If I decrement the frequency down an additional kHz to 14.174, I see the signal that looks like 14.177 MHz.  A large rise to -113 dBm at the low end again.

This pattern repeats itself through out the entire 20 meter band.  The rise in the noise floor is a little less in magnitude at the very bottom of 20 meters (14.050), but by the time I get to 14.150 the rise in the noise floor is back to approximately -110 dBm.

I checked other bands and it exhibits this behavior on ALL bands.  Always a three kHz stepping to repeat the pattern.

Anyone have a clue what might cause this behavior?  I'm using the Delta 44 with the breakout box eliminator.

Tim Ellison
Integrated Technical Services
Apex, NC USA
919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
919.215.6375 - cell
Skype: kg4rzy

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