The noise is always there.  It is just a matter of whether you can see
it or not.  Picture the panadapter as a moving 20kHz window over the
whole frequency spectrum.  When you tune VFO A, 2 things actually
happen.  First, the hardware is tuned (if necessary).  Then the software
does the fine tuning (within 3.051kHz).

So lets just say that there is some noise down at DC (which is almost
surely what you are seeing).  If Spur Reduction is turned off then the
hardware is tuned directly every Hz and no software fine tuning is
necessary.  In this case, the noise would be at -11.025kHz (because of
our IF offset).  This is 1.025kHz off the left end of the screen.

However, if Spur Reduction is turned on, at one point the noise will be
centered at -11.025k -(3.051k / 2).  At another point it will be
-11.025k +(3.051k/2).  At this point, the noise is at -9.4995kHz.  This
is clearly visible within the panadapter window.

So why do we have Spur Reduction?  It is used to avoid the worst DDS
spurs with a procedure documented in the application notes of our DDS
(AD9854).  Basically, it reduces the allowable frequencies that the
hardware can be tuned.  This does not eliminate all spurs, but rather
avoids the worst predictable ones due to the DDS itself.

One handy way to use the Spur Reduction feature is that if you have an
offending spur, you can sometimes move it out of the passband by cycling
the Spur Reduction on or off.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -----Original Message-----
>] On Behalf Of Jiri Sanda
> Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 11:04 AM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Interesting behavior when connected to a
> load
> I do not understand ?
> If the transmitted noise get so much worse when "spur. reduction" is
> why is it there at all ? What positive it does ?
> 73 !
> Jiri
> On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:
> > Jeff nailed this one on the head.  The jumping around is because
> > spur reduction is turned on, the radio hardware is only tuned every
> > ~3.051kHz.  We do the fine tuning using a software oscillator.  Also
> > worthy of note is that we use an 11kHz IF.  So what you are seeing
> > the junk around DC on the left side of the spectrum.
> >
> >
> > Eric Wachsmann
> > FlexRadio Systems
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Ellison
> > Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 11:23 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Flexradio] Interesting behavior when connected to a dummy
> >
> > I was testing tonight into a dummy load and noticed some very
> > behavior.
> > When connected to the dummy load on 14.179 MHz (USB)  I see the
> > floor (signal) in the panadapter as a flat line from -10K to +10K
Hz at
> > about -145 dBm.  That looks good to me
> > Now I change frequency to 14.178 MHz and I see the signal rise to
> > dBm between -10K and -9.5K Hz.  It is flat at -145dBm across the
rest of
> > the spectrum.  Looks like more noise on the low end.  Not so good.
> > If I change the frequency the to 14.177 MHz I see the signal rise to
> > -113 dBm between -10K and -9.5K Hz. It is flat at -145dBm across the
> > rest of the spectrum This shows a *lot* more noise.
> > Here come the strange part.
> > I change the frequency to 14.176 MHz and the signal looks just like
> > signal on 14.179.  Flat across the entire spectrum at -145 dBm.
> > By changing  the frequency down one kHz to 14.175, I see the signal
> > looks like 14.178 MHz.  A small rise to -130 dBm at the low end
> > If I decrement the frequency down an additional kHz to 14.174, I see
> > signal that looks like 14.177 MHz.  A large rise to -113 dBm at the
> > end again.
> > This pattern repeats itself through out the entire 20 meter band.
> > rise in the noise floor is a little less in magnitude at the very
> > of 20 meters (14.050), but by the time I get to 14.150 the rise in
> > noise floor is back to approximately -110 dBm.
> > I checked other bands and it exhibits this behavior on ALL bands.
> > Always a three kHz stepping to repeat the pattern.
> > Anyone have a clue what might cause this behavior?  I'm using the
> > 44 with the breakout box eliminator.
> > -Tim
> > ---
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tim Ellison
> > <> Integrated Technical Services
> > Apex, NC USA
> > 919.674.0044 Ext. 25 / 919.674.0045 (FAX)
> > 919.215.6375 - cell
> > Skype: kg4rzy
> >
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