We can increase the resolution here by factors of 2 with the computational complexity also going up by a factor of 2 each time. ALSO: if you go as much as twice as deep (a factor of 8 rather than a factor of 4) the increase in video latency becomes absolutely immediately apparent. You will hear a sound and a noticeable amount of time later, the display will correspond to the sound. There is not such thing as a free lunch.


Robert McGwier wrote:

Trevor Smithers wrote:

and watch the CW note on the display get 4 times narrower.

I see no change whatsoever with Polyphase enabled. Appears to make no difference enabled or not.

Trevor  G0KTN

FlexRadio mailing list

I attach my "worst case difference" screen captures. One is blackham harris operating on a pure tone. The other is polyphase operating on exactly the same tone. I presume you can see the difference here. Alex was smart enough to claim a lot and then not show you much by now allowing you, under ANY circumstances to zoom in enough that a single bin of the FFT in the spectrum takes up more than one pixel. This is what you get. As I said, the area under the curve is 4 times less with polyphase.



FlexRadio mailing list

Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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