Fellow SDR users,

I am using version 1.4.4 with my SDR.  I have been reading the reflector for

several months and I must admit that perhaps I have made a mistake.  I am at

somewhat of a loss at this point. I am reluctant to try any further versions of the software. It seems that my area of expertise is in areas other than computers and computer programming. Therefore I have very little

clue as to the meaning of most of the posted messages on the reflector. Perhaps I am in the minority, or perhaps there may be others who might benefit from a "translator" of sorts to attempt to put some of the available

knowledge into a language which might be understood by a person such as I. At this point in time, I am inclined to "revert" to my comfortable regular style radios that I have been using for the last 46 years.

My onboard computer(brain) is running way over the 100% level trying to comprehend.

At any rate, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all Flexers.

73,   Mike K5NU

Thanks for speaking up.

Ask your questions, be it here or be it on Teamspeak.

I can vouch for the fact that you will get answers.

I'm a pretty technical guy, but some of this stuff is by me, too. When that happens, I just delete it and go on to the next one. All it means is that one doesn't apply to me. This isn't like a bulletin board on a website where you get to skip to the categories that interest you. Some of this stuff just. . .won't. . .apply. . .to. . .me--or you.

I have a lot of successful SDR operation under my belt -- because I asked questions. That's half of the value of this radio. I operate it successfully because I can, have, and more importantly, will get answers. Once you get 'em, you find yourself with a real, serious weapon. I am working DX on 80 meters with as few as 60 watts. Even as recently as six months ago, I'd have thought such an outcome was impossible. But I did that just minutes ago with Sweden, thanks to the morning greyline, with which this group put me in better touch. Oh, and no one ever put that one on a DX spotting net. The panadapter gave it to me as yet another gift.

With this group, and this radio, a lot becomes possible that wasn't before. That is, of course, if you take advantage of all the great talent here.

Had I not, I would have had nothing to show for owning my SDR. This is not yet an appliance operator's rig. But, neither is it reserved for Ph Ds in Electrical Engineering. Ask, persist, and you will succeed. And, boy will you succeed!

Heck, I've got excellent answers to questions that have nothing to do with the SDR itself (like, what kind of vertical to get for 80 meters).

It's simple -- start with whatever is bothering you. Be as specific as you can. Then, the next, and the next (and, in my case, the next). Also, if you had success before, go back to that version of the software and move forward from there. That's what I always do. I still use 1.4.1 for some things.

Larry  WO0Z

PS, have you downloaded the latest manual and read it? Odd as it seems, after you've played with the radio a bit, the manual actually makes more sense than it did the first time around. And, if it isn't working for you, this is a great place to get that highlighted so it does.

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