
I use CAT from MixW. After the Power Console and MixW have been running for awhile, CAT stops working. None of the settings have changed. Start and stop MixW, no change. Stop both the Power Console and MixW and restart, Power Console first, and CAT is restored. I don't know the length of the period CAT will run, whether it is a time problem or number of CAT commands you send problem. I'll try to find this out and report. All the commands I have sent are good and work, and MixW is monitoring frequency, mode and a few other parameters every time they change. I'm using N8VB with com 6 on the Power Console and com 5 on MixW for CAT, and com 4 on the Power Console and com 5 on MixW for secondary CW key. PTT is CAT.

73,  Chas W1CG

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