
I had the same problem two days ago. I tried everything but could not get the MOX to stop closing on SSB every time I turned to the Power Console Then I noticed my mouse did not move when I started the computer. I am using the USB to parallel adapter. So I re seated all of my USB connectors on the computer, the mouse reappeared and the SDR-1000 MOX problem went away. If you are not using the USB adapter for the parallel port, try re seating your parallel connector, or get another.

73,  Chas W1CG

At 10:51 PM 1/26/2006, Richard Stouffer wrote:
After CQ in PSK 31 a couple of times, I couldn’t stop MOX. I had to shut SDR down then set the mode to CWL or CWU to keep out of transmit. I I switched to any mode other than CWU or CWL the transmit activates. I’m running 1.4.5 rev 12. I re-booted the computer, but the problem prevails. When I tried 1.4.4 the problem is still there.

It sounds like I have a hardware issue-  any ideas.

Richard – KE5DLQ
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