Eric E.,
Thanks for some very succinct explanations. 
Let me put forth a couple of concerns we have about how to best use the reflector and forum resources. 
Due to the nature of a "software" radio, we will always be releasing new beta software that will have bugs.  The discussion on this reflector of "beta bugs" has been a huge source of confusion to new and potential customers.  It gives the impression that the radio is unstable or unfinished.  Five years from now this will still be an issue unless you the users and we the manufacturer have run out of good ideas.  Somehow I doubt that.  Our wish list is longer today than it was three years ago when we shipped serial number uno.  We have thought of creating a "Beta and Experimental Reflector" to separate the discussion of the new and experimental  stuff from that of the officially released software.  It could potentially make it less intimidating to the new user and the potential customer. 
I agree that splitting the reflector could dilute the resources who help the new user.  The email reflector has been a big improvement in some ways over the Forum because it is much more real time.  It has been a great help to FlexRadio because many of you know more than we do about specific applications of the radio.  The Forum may actually be better from a FAQ standpoint but it can become out of date very quickly as the software evolves.  Since the reflector started, the traffic on the website Forum has gone down dramatically.  This indicates to me that the immediacy of the reflector meets the needs of the larger population better than the Forum.  However, the Forum has the ability to organize archive topics in a much more user friendly way than the reflector.  It also has the capability to imbed easily graphics.
With that said, I am very interested in hearing your thoughts on how we can better serve the diverse needs of the neophyte to the advanced experimenter.  All are important the hobby of amateur radio.
I would like to know what you think about the following:
1) Should we create a separate reflector for "Beta Software and Experimental Topics?"  The proposal would keep this reflector with a general interest and support focus.
2) How can we better utilize the website Forum, which now has fairly low traffic?  Would it help to have volunteer moderators who monitor the Forum to make sure people get their questions answered?
3) How do we address the misperception of product instability caused by the never ending improvements that will come in the software over the years?
4) How do we make sure that new users and potential users feel comfortable posting their questions?  How do we make sure they get the answers they need?
Your comments are welcome.
Gerald Youngblood, K5SDR
FlexRadio Systems
8900 Marybank Drive
Austin, TX 78750
Ph: 512-250-8595

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Eric Ellison
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2006 11:19 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Beginners - Experts - Terminology and stuff



A Reflector member contributed a PM  suggesting that I clarify some of the terms the I, and others have been using on the Reflector since the acronyms can be daunting to recent members reading. I find this a very reasonable request.


I’ll start with that:


FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)

An integrated circuit which is essentially a “hardware etch-a-sketch”. About 4 manufacturers make them. You actually write a program with tools offered by the manufacturer and create your own customized integrated circuit. It can be just about anything, from a microprocessor to a high speed counter, to a light switch, when you press the button it lights the light. Price range is $10 to $1800. It is an order of magnitude beyond a PIC (programmable interface controller). If you are a C programmer it is worth a look.  Beyond that you will have to read for yourself about these “ digital diamonds in the rough”


Xylo (product name from FPGA4FUN)


Is an experimental FPGA board with resources like USB (Universal Serial Buss), VGA, (Video Graphic Adapter),  and other common I/O tools on board, with drivers on board to experiment with FPGA’s. Offered by Plug it into a USB port on a computer and begin experimenting with FPGA for about $100. A hobbiest thingy like ham radio.


Saxo (product name from FPGA4FUN)

A variant of the Xylo above. The website also has experiments and products such as an oscilloscope which plugs into the parent board. Not a joke! I intend to buy the scope and use it in the shack!



A program which integrates into the file system on your computer to access files stored on a server (can be on the same machine). SVN stands for Subversion. In the simplest form it could be a letter to your mother which you edit and make changes to over a period of time. Oh Oh you made a mistake or don’t like the current version! Alas, you wish you had the last version. Tough luck! You are stuck with the current and you spent HOURS on it! Subversion lets you look at the last X versions and even cut and paste between versions. THEY are labeled versions, and there is always one current version. Change scenario to 5 folks teaming up to edit the Flex-Radio user manual, cause manuals are their thing! All 5 have server and local access to the manual and make changes. (Pretty Confusing! And we tried this on Teamspeak!). SVN organizes this collaborative effort by keeping previous versions, and facilities to merge various versions. SYNERGY! The SVN program written by experts and offering it for GPL and free have given us the tool to operate on a document project as a TEAM! You don’t need to know how it works, just how to use it for your benefit. This IS the subject of this weeks Teamspeak forum and our expert and SVN server provider Dale – WA8SRA will be there to answer questions. I am going to ram it down your microphone! It IS a GOOD thing for team collaboration on any team document project!




Gerald – K5SDR suggested on Teamspeak session a couple of weeks ago that we have separate Reflectors  for the technospeak guys from the “new users” who might be ‘turned off by the jargon” and the ‘technospeak”…. I have mixed feelings about it. What do you think? This is ham radio, but also it is ham radio on the move and a new exciting ‘edge’ of technology. I don’t think we should be divided at this point. If you are a new ham and don’t have an interest in SVN-XYLO-SAXO-FPGA then punch up the next message. Personally I am currently bypassing most messages AM related. I don’t think NOW is the time to divide the momentum on this Reflector. Ham radio, just like this forum is a mixture of many interests. If you have an interest in “Snowbounce” Mike King – KM0T is here to answer your questions! He will see messages in that interest area. I have NEVER seen Bob – N4HY not respond to a message on Linux. It’s all a part of the future of ham radio! We are not ready to separate except in the ‘subject’ line!


Just my 2 cents.



Eric2 – AA4SW





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