
The source in svn is normally the latest and greatest.  However, when 
something gets changes, like the sample rate stuff last week, all 
sorts of thing get broken and it may be several days until they get 
fixed.  I have been trying to keep updated to the latest revision 
daily so I can make sure my own parts still work.  Sometimes I need 
to back down from the latest since it is broken at the time.

Anyway, just be prepared.  It is one step more in flux than even beta 
test and things change quite rapidly at times.  There are two folks, 
Bob and Eric, currently making all the changes.  You should watch the 
log to who has done what so you can determine where to go next.  Bob 
and Eric are doing a lot of cleanup type stuff in preparation for the 
big normal release 'real soon now'.

I am running DirectX 9.0C and have been for quite a while.  I'm not 
sure what my version/date on the SDK is now.  One of these 
requirments for SDK stuff was recently deleted; I'm not sure which it 

I just updated to version 271 and it all built.  There were a few 
warnings in the .c stuff.

I got this at the end:

---------------------- Done ----------------------

    Build: 6 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped

And when I ran it it came up on 40 m ok but I have not done a bunch 
of testing yet.


(03/06/2006 20:59)

>Until I get my copy of Visual Studio I have a available copy of 
>Visual Studio 2003 from work installed in my work laptop and  I'm 
>checking out some of the software and need one bit of help. I also 
>setup tortoise and downloaded the latest source from SVN as of 5 minutes ago.
>Which version of Direct-X SDK do I need to have loaded in the PC? 
>Will the latest and greatest from Microsoft do? It's the  2005 
>edition, I have that one downloaded and waiting to install if it's OK.
>One more simple question is the source in the SVN right now 
>functional so I can test my compile for success?
>Muchas Gracias!
>Cecil Bayona
>"Windows the worlds most successful software virus" 
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