I'm showing 2.5 v p-p on my o'scope.  What's going on?

Bob, K5KDN

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of root [knesbitt]
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 5:40 PM
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Flexradio] PreSonus Firebox Output Voltage Descrepancies

who's all measured their audio output voltages on the Firebox using the
sound card output voltage test?
I just had opportunity to run this test and found my Firebox is only
pumping out 2.2 vac rather than the spec'ed 6.39 vac. Been working with
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in an attempt to understand whats going on. Apparently others
have noted this disparity in "card" output. Curious to know what other
Firebox owners are finding. This is a potentially serious matter given
the large disparity between the default value and the recorded level.
I'm hesitant to apply this new value to the console settings for fear
the level reverts to its higher output. To date however I have found
nothing software/mixer-wise which would account for this.

Kirb - VE6IV


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