Hi Bruce,

There aren't any docs on the code yet. There is a movement going on to
document the classes, but that has just started and progress is slow. The
only way to learn is to dive in and work your way through it. This can be a
little daunting so if you have a specific question ask it here, someone
should be able to answer it.

To complicate matters even more there is a significant software architecture
change in the works which will start with release 1.7.0 (beta). This change
will make major changes to the code and the way it is used. Given this
pending architecture change there probably won't be much documentation work
done for a while.

This rambling wasn't intended to scare you off, but to give a little insight
to what's going on. 

Steve - K5FR

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bruce K3CMZ
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:47 AM
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] Another Stupid Question about the Code

 While trying to teach myself something about this C Stuff, I was digging
into the Code 'console.cs' and 'setup.cs'

I noticed that these files were quite large:
 setup.cs is 17276 lines of code and 361 pages  console.cs is 18488 lines
and 399 pages  for a total of over thirty five thousand lines of code!

Question: How do you C Guys find your way around this?
                    Is there a index? or prehaps a file that list the
                    fuctions? I can search, but I don't know what
                    to search for!

AnyHow ;  Hope all of you have a happy Holiday  We are going to do both
Easter and Passover here.

 Thanks Much
    Bruce K3CMZ

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