   I know next to nothing about the operations of the Flex Radio. But I hav=
e built some "extreme" high end PC's (water cooled CPU,overclocking,dual gr=
aphics cards,etc.)   and would suggest you do some shake down on your home =
brew machine. =

   You said when you turn off some of the programs that this helps. That ma=
kes me think RAM or CPU issues. Here are two freeware programs that will he=
lp you find any weakness in your hardware. The first is Prime95. If you hav=
e a dual core CPU or Hyperthreding CPU you need to set up TWO instances of =
the program and make sure your CPU is running it at 100%. You need to leave=
 it running for 12+ hours and better if it goes 24+ hours.


   The next is memtest86+ v.1.65. Again.....letting it cook for 12+ hours i=
s best.


   If you get ANY errors with either program then there is a weakness "some=
where" in the machine. =


   Fixes range from "loosing" the memory timing, adjusting the voltages on =
the RAM,CPU,etc. Replacing the RAM,etc.,etc.  =


   Thats about all I can offer as I know nothing about software.

  Take care, Stan

  PS.....for those who are interested in my "beast" of a PC...you can see p=
ics of it (there are also pics of my friends,beautiful girlfriend,cars,me,k=
ids,etc....so be warned!!) at http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
s.yahoo.com/ph//my_photos   The one on the top is the one I am using now. t=
he one on the bottom was my very first high end build.
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