To Gearld and the group,

I guess I'm one of the "Lurkers", who has been following
the SDR-1000 and this list for quite a while now, and have
been pleased with how things have progressed to date.

I've been saving my pennies to get my own SDR-1000,
so that I may join in the fun, too!  I feel SDR is the future
for Amateur Radio and other forms of communication, as

I've been building all the SoftRock versions from Tony,
and gaining more SDR experience actually using them, and
becoming more familiar with each release of the PowerSDR
Beta (Alpha?) 1.XX, Preview XX, software.  I felt I was a part
of this great advance in SDR, and felt privileged to be able
to be right in the heart of the design process, by being able
to easily download the very latest releases, bugs and all,
and to actually test and learn along with the designers of
the software.

Lately, it has become harder to follow along on this journey,
due to the splitting up of the places where all of the "action"
takes place (which used to be on the Forum, and then on
this list), but now is spread all over the place!  Now we have
to download more software to get the latest Alpha or Beta
software versions of PowerSDR, go to another site to get
the download and hunt for long strings of what looks like a
UNIX command string (SVN) and then if we do finally get
it downloaded into our PC and running, go to another "Bug"
site somewhere else to report our findings!
Probably very few people are going to go through this
process, which is probably what is desired to prevent
prospective Customers from seeing the "warts" and all, but
I feel this is what most hams want to see, and feel a part of,
is being able to give their input to the design of the most
advanced Amateur radio, that is changing the way all radios
will be designed in the future.

It was so nice, in this fast moving world, to be able to go to
one site, this one, and be able to keep up with the latest
advances in the SDR-1000, and to be able to feel you're a
part of history, and "rub elbows" with some of the best
software, hardware and other designers around!  Everyone
contributes their own little piece of expertise, however tiny.

It's hard enough to keep up with what's going on in the field,
when you have many sites to try to follow and keep track of.
I feel we're losing something.......

73, Carl, WN3DUG

K2/100 S/N: 1320; K2/100 S/N: 3092; KX1 S/N: 271
SoftRock 4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0

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