
Since I hear Linux pronounced L-eye-nux and L-i-nux, I want to get off on the right foot :) How do you pronounce the African word Ubuntu?

Tom Thompson   W0IVJ

Robert McGwier wrote:

w2agn wrote:
I see all the Linux discussion, which is interesting. I run both Linux and Win2000. About the only thing I run Windows for any more is the SDR Console. What I would like is to be able to run my SDR-1000 from Linux, just as I do from Win2000. I set up "Jack" at one time and dTTSP, but never could figure out how to get it to work with the SDR-1000. At the risk of being considered an idiot, I would just like a nice GUI that would run my SDR-1000 without having to leave Linux.
Then you can be an idiot with the rest of us because we would like that too!

Bob N4HY

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