Hi Dana,

My CPU is a homebrew, and a tad faster - MSI motherboard, P4 at 2.66 GHz (a
little seasoned, but good), 512MB RAM, D44 for the SDR-1000, on-board AC-97
for digital stuff (someday), ATI Radeon 9600SE, some built-in and add-on USB
& Firewire ports, and Windoze XP.  Works great!

Can't speak for the Firebox, but the D44 is a fantastic audio card for radio
use.  Tim Ellison made some comments about the D44 having more noise on the
low-freq end.  I believe that SM5BSZ has some simple hardware mods (mostly
cap and grounding changes) on his Linrad website showing how to
significantly improve the D44's noise levels.  When I get brave, I'll make
the mods on my D44.

Currently, I have the SDR-1000 connected to a DEMI 144-28HP high-power 2m
transverter, running abt 38W out, driving a Lunar-Link LA-22 as needed for
full legal limit.  Nice!  Point&Zap 2m QRO :-)

I am also patiently waiting for the UCB project to spring back to life, for
I also have a strong desire to build a 50 thru 1296 (or higher) contest
setup based on a SDR-1000 IF.  No use in buying more transverters if the
control hardware isn't available - nor do I want to reinvent my own unique
flavor of UCB.

While not a Power SDR developer myself, I can speak with modest authority
when it comes to GPIB control because I've been doing that sort of thing
continuously for work since 1986.  Adding GPIB (HP-IB) control capability to
any piece of software requires:

(1) Choosing one (or two) decent GPIB card(s) that are readily available at
a reasonable price (about $500 new for a decent PCI card from National
Instruments, Agilent, and a few others, much less if you can find a working
one used),

(2) Converting everyone to the same "GPIB faith" (yes, there ARE holy wars
in the GPIB universe).

(3) The card manufacturer's specific control library with support for your
chosen development environment (NI-488.2, Agilent SICL, etc. - none of which
are the least bit compatible with each other at the function call level),

(4) A development environment that supports using those libraries - don't
know if MS C# does, but I suspect that it might,

(5) Some time writing GPIB code to convert the instrument manufacturer's
examples to your language & purposes.

The same goes if you decide to use a PC-based digital I/O or relay card and
software to mimic the UCB.  I know that I could gin up such a beast given
sufficient spare time, and that I could probably make it look just like a
UCB from a functional perspective, but then it would be unique to my needs,
wouldn't use the existing UCB code, and it could upset folks from other DIO

But...barring the development of fixed standards for pseudo-UCB's...the
SDR-1000 code is open-source, and that means that you can pretty much do
whatever you need to do for your own setup, and that you should offer it up
to the community so some other like-minded ham can use it as a baseline for
his/her own setup.

Dan  KB5MY/6  DM13nc

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of N1OFZ
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 5:45 PM
To: FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: [Flexradio] Potential purchaser questions

Hi all,

I'm interested in purchasing a SDR-1000 and I've been reading the list
archives.  I am left with a few questions:

Will my hardware be good enough?  I have a Dell Latitude D800 (1.4GHZ, 512MB
RAM).  It has built in Firewire, Serial and Parallel ports.  My other
machine is a MacBook Pro (1.83GHz Intel Core Duo, 512MB RAM) that triple
boots OSX, XP Pro and soon Ubuntu( currently  
SuSE).  It has Firewire but I would need to add a usb parallel port.   
I can upgrade the RAM in either of these if necessary.

Is the FireBox a good solution?  It appears there have been issues with it
in the past and seems to be a subject of discussion often.  I don't want to
dump $300 into a sub-standard solution.  I can get a Dell 2.53 GHz white box
for about the same amount.  I could then sell my D800 and purchase a Delta
44 and other accessories.

Is the ucb going to actually be available at some point?  This is the real
deal breaker as the rig will be solely used for VHF+ contesting.  I
currently have DEMI transverters for 50 through 1296 and I'm looking at
adding more bands.  I'm hesitant to buy the SDR-1000 before actually having
the ucb (or other similar solution) in my hands.  I currently use a HP
59307A coax switch.  It has two single-pole 4-throw switches controlled from
front-panel pushbuttons or remotely from an HP-IB interface.  Does anyone
have any idea how hard it would be to add HP-IB support to the software?
This may be a good alternative solution and has lots of possibilities.

Thanks for you time and I look forward to your comments, Dana N1OFZ

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