You have at least one comment, mine.

The way out in the fringe way of doing the software looks interesting 
and your displays look a lot nicer that the last time I looked.

Seriously, I'll take a detailed look on Sunday.

Off the top of my head, I would be more interested in a Linux port, 
I'm slowly moving away from Windows, and another functional SDR 
software package that I could fiddle with would be welcomed, that is 
if you have release the code to the public.

As far as multi-platform if it can be reasonably done so it's 
supported in multiple platforms so much the better, if you can run 
under OSX that would be a big plus for me.

I'm curious what sort of PC have you used this software with, so I 
can determine approximately the CPU power required.

I'll give you more opinions and questions after I look at it more thoroughly.

At 04:13 PM 5/11/2006, Cowdery, Bob [UK] wrote:
>Version 4.0 is now released and on the SqueakMap. The web site
> is up to date and contains a fair bit
>more info. I have even joined so the link is there as well.
>This version has a lot of improvements and is much easier to manage. If
>all this means absolutely nothing to you then please spend a few minutes
>just looking at the web site. If interested then just a few hours of
>your precious time would be much appreciated to give it a whirl. Thanks
>to those that helped shape this release. It is still a work in progress
>but the current functionality is stable and very self contained so it
>won't pollute your system with random files! If there is enough interest
>I will do the Teamspeak thing to answer questions.
>I really am interested in your views and would love to have a
>discussion. I don't mind adverse comments in the least but it would be
>really disappointing to have no comments. Do you have a view on cross
>platform versa single platform? On languages? On single versa
>multi-machine deployment? On software front panels that imitate hardware
>versa software focused controls? On monolithic versa component GUI's? On
>the price of beer? Can anyone donate a brand new SDR1000 to a poor old
>guy that only has an old 3 board stack and may not have a job in a few
>months so can't get XYL approval to spend money?
>The forum has been very quiet lately; perhaps there really is no one out
>- 73 de Bob (G3UKB)
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