Fellow flexers,  Has anyone else had this occur?

Twice under the same conditions I have had the following scenario.

Listening on several bands both ssb and cw.  Click to 40 meters cw portion.  
Click setup to lower the dsp and audio latency for cw operation.  Suddenly the 
sdr receive and transmit are gone.  Relays still click, modulation is still 
seen on the panadapter when ptt is activated.  Just no power out and all bands 
rx is gone.  Clicking tune activates the relays, but zero power out.

I have re-uped the software, I have rebooted the computer, and tried everything 
I can to bring it back to life.  The only way I can revive the sdr is to import 
a database from another version on the computer.  I guess with this action - 
that is setting the dsp and audio latencies - the database is corrupted or 
something?  It has happened about two weeks apart exactly in the same manner.

Thanks and 73,  Mike K5NU
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