We have received several notices from folks that were subscribed to our
mailing list that were not receiving the latest messages (as compared to the
archives).  I just went through the entire 666 member list and found many
more people than I would have expected that had their "no mail" set to [B].
According to the mailman software that runs our list, this means, "Delivery
was disabled by the system due to excessive bouncing from the member's
address."  While I would expect a few of these...maybe in the 10s for our
size reflector, I found over 200.  I suspect this is a result of a recent
server move for our reflector which took place this past week.

Soooo...  If this is the first message you have received from the
[Flexradio] list in a while, welcome back and sorry for the interruption.
Check the archive to see what you missed.  I'll be watching to make sure
this phenomenon does not continue.  Have a great weekend and remember that
tomorrow is Mother's day.  ;)

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

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