>From G3PLX:

Greetings to the group.  Can anyone here help me with some questions in the 
art of driving the Presonus Firebox?

The background is that I have been given a Firebox as an unsolicited gift. 
All the DSP/SDR software I have written has been for 16-bit soundcards, and 
I found the Firebox runs fine in this mode, especially at the 8kHz 
samplerate which I use most. What I want to do now is explore the 24-bit 
capability. I had always had this idea in my head that 24-bits was a sales 
gimmick and 16 was plenty, but now I have a 24-bit box on the bench, I have 
no excuse - I must make the effort and actually write some 24-bit code.

Although I thought originally that the Windows mmsystem API would do 24-bit 
(the format would seem to be able to handle it), the Firebox refuses to do 
it via that route. I had therefore to explore other ways. The 'ASIO' API 
seemed promising, so I downloaded 'openasio.dll' and the Delphi wrapper (yes 
I still write in Delphi!), and soon had 24-bit noises emerging from those 
quaint old 1/4" jack sockets.

But only at 44.1, 48, 88.2, and 96kHz samplerate.  I don't need these speeds 
(I do all my SDR at zero I.F) and I really don't want to have to decimate 
from 48 down to 8kHz just because the hardware won't slow down! So my 
question is: how can I run the Firebox at 8kHz with 24-bit audio?  The only 
way to change samplerate seems to be via the Firebox control panel, and that 
only lists 44/48/88/96 in it's drop-down menu. Is there a documented way to 
change the samplerate programmatically, and can than do 8kHz?

I have lot's more questions. If there's someone out there who has already 
cracked the Firebox and could spare the time to help shorten my learning 
curve, I would be grateful.

Peter G3PLX

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