Tests done by Leif SM5BSZ have demonstrated that the Delta 44, one of the best 
sound cards around, when used in its 
24-bit mode, gives about 18 usable bits of amplitude resolution. The rest is 
noise. I am sure that if the same test were 
performed on a 16-bit card, that would give certainly less than 16 bits of 

So the answer is, yes, there is a point in using a 24-bit card instead of 
16-bit one. Only do not expect to have a 
dynamic range of 144 dB...

73  Alberto  I2PHD

Peter Martinez wrote:
>>From G3PLX:
> I am just starting to do some serious tests with my new 24-bit Firebox. With 
> the audio input of a channel short-circuit, if I analyse the statistics of 
> the 24-bit data, I find the bottom 8 bits are ALWAYS random. In fact the 
> bottom 9-10 bits are random.
> This tells me there is no point at all in having 24-bit audio. I might just 
> as well stay with 16-bits.
> Has anyone here done any rigorous tests comparing 16 and 24-bit audio and 
> found any difference?  Like patching the code to mask off the bottom 8 bits 
> completely, or replacing the bottom 8 bits with random data. Maybe someone 
> has added a checkbox to turn this sort of test feature on and off and see 
> what, if any, is the difference in the speaker.
> 73
> Peter

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