On 5/20/06, Peter Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >From G3PLX:

> Let me close this topic before Phil accuses me of cruelty to dead horses.
> Before I aquired a 24-bit card, I honestly believed that 24-bit cards would
> be 8 bits better than 16 bit cards. When I did get one recently, I was
> surprised to find this wasn't the case. Jim is right. 24 bit cards may only
> be slightly better than 16-bit cards. I have learned something this week.
> 73
> Peter

Hi Peter,

Well, I may have been a little too strong in making that statement
(dead horse)...it was early morning here...no coffee yet consumed...
etc... ;-)

The FlexRadio Forum has some interesting discussions in the past about
different sound cards and what to expect.  It is pretty much true that
some 24 bit cards are marginally better than some 16  bit cards.  It
also would be accurate to say that some 24 bit cards are worse than
some of the better 16 bit cards.

73 de Phil N8VB

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