---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brian Sherrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 24, 2006 12:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Delta 44 & Audio settings in general


Not the mic meter.  The ALC meter.  Please re-read my original
message.  It refers to the Delta 44 "Quick Start Guide" on your
website which states to speak into the mic and adjust the _ALC_ level
until 0db is reached.  I have no problem getting 0db on mic level, but
no way can I get 0db on the ALC meter.  if this is inccorect, then
maybe someone should edit the D-44 document.


On 5/24/06, Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian,
> The MIC meter is before the compressor and the compander in the TX DSP
> chain.  So having these on or not should not affect the input
> calibration procedure.  Make sure that you are using the MIC selection
> on the meter though and not one of the other selections that are later
> in the DSP chain.  If you are unable to get to 0dB in the MIC meter,
> then you may need a microphone preamp.
> Eric Wachsmann
> FlexRadio Systems
> > -----Original Message-----
> > radio.biz] On Behalf Of Brian Sherrod
> > Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 8:19 AM
> > To: flexradio
> > Subject: [Flexradio] Delta 44 & Audio settings in general
> >
> > I wonder if someone can help me out on some audio issues...
> >
> > Reading back over the Delta 44 Quick Start Guide, it states to adjust
> > the mic gain using the ALC meter during transmit and adjust until the
> > peaks just reach 0db.  It further says to make certain the compressor
> > is NOT turned on (and I assume the compander too).  Problem is, I can
> > not get it to reach 0db no matter how much I turn up the mic pre-amp
> > on the console.  If I turn on the compressor and compander, I can
> > reach 0db.
> >
> > I don't think it has anything to do with a weak input, as I am using
> > an outboard mic pre-amp (Behringer Tube Ultragain), and even if I try
> > to increase the output on the audio chain it will not reach 0db.  I
> > noticed that the document was published when version 1.3.x was
> > released.  Has something changed since then?  BTW, I do have In3 set
> > to -10db as it shows in the document.
> >
> > TIA,
> >
> > Brian / w5ami
> >
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