
I can’t speak to issues 1 and 2 but I have one of the more 
recent units which includes the enhanced 200 MHz master 
oscillator stability circuit.  I don’t have my Z3801A GPS 
controlled frequency source available right now so I used 
the K6JCA console and WWV to do some limited experiments to 
check transmit oscillator drift.

The rig had been on for several hours.  I tuned in WWV on 15 
MHz and zoomed the spectrum mode.   I set the SDR-1000 clock 
offset to show WWV centered at exactly 15.000000 MHz.  I 
transmitted into a dummy load at 25 watts (max continuous 
carrier) in tune mode for various times up to 5 minutes then 
switched back to WWV to measure the oscillator drift.  I 
repeated this test several times. Results ranged from 4 to a 
maximum of 8 Hz.

I also used my FT-1000MP’s (with high stability osc option) 
CW tuning indicator to check drift during transmission.  The 
tuning indicator will change if the deviation is more than 
about 10 Hz.  No deviation was ever shown.

 From these experiments I believe that the transmit 
frequency drift issue has been resolved.  While many 
(including me) are a little nuts about frequency stability 
and want to tie everything to a GPS controlled standard, the 
SDR-1000 is now as least as good as most modern transceivers.


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