Mike Naruta escribió:

>Is it possible that you are overloaded?
>I am about a mile from one broadcast station
>and a couple of miles from two more.
>Canadian transmitters a little further.
>If I use a long wire on the broadcast band,
>I get lots of strange behavior and can't
>receive stations 50 miles away in Detroit.
>Also, do you have your PreAmp on "High?
>If so, try it on "Off".
>To listen to broadcast, I often set my
>BiggIR vertical to the "retracted" position
>to reduce the overloading.  That cleans it
>up nicely and I hear signals that I couldn't
>hear before.
>Mike - AA8K
>KD5NWA wrote:
>>The main problem it's not that I'm receiving signals that don't 
>>belong in the AM band but that it's totally deaf below 790KHz
>>I have that one Mexican station way at the bottom, which it's 
>>probably due to filtering but my main problem is lack of signals.
I live near a 200 Kw MW station that puts -10 dBm in the SDR-1000.  I 
have to select preamp gain to low, to avoid overload, but I receive  
all  local  MW station and some DX without any problem.
Your symptoms point to a hw or a cabling problem.

73 de Ignacio, eb4apl
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