YOU DA MAN! good work Chris. your message is very friendly and I bet 
you get some great invites. Lets watch the list and see who 
introduces themselves :-)
  way to go!

Chris Black wrote:
> I have been monitoring this list for a few weeks now in anticipation of 
> purchasing an SDR-1000, but not being a software engineer, Cyborg and 
> computer expert, I have not taken much away other than confusion.
> I am just a radio hobbyist hoping to spend as much time at the dials (or 
> mouse as the case may be) as in getting whatever appliance I am using to 
> work. I definitely think that this concept has a bright future when it is 
> perfected. Will there be some kind of support group with meetings? ... "Hi, 
> my name is Chris and I use and SDR-1000"..., "Hi Chris".
> If there is anyone within driving distance of New England who uses this 
> system that might allow me the opportunity to see a demo and answer some 
> questions, I would most appreciate it.
> 73 de Chris Black, N1CP
> Cape Cod
> -------------- next part --------------

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