
Hi, my name is Tim and I am an SDR-1000 user.  And damn proud to be one.

You have experienced a phenomenon that is common to the reflector for
new and interested users; one size doesn't fit all.  There are a lot of
people with varying levels of expertise in many different areas that
hang out here.  It just seems like the ones that are most "vocal" are
the ones who are a little more involved in the radio's technical
details.  To the new comer, this can be a little overwhelming.

I can understand your reservations, but if you jump right in and ask a
question on the reflector, you will get a quality answer(s).  And your
answer will come from some of the geniuses that hang out here and along
with the everyday users (like me). Do not worry about getting "flamed";
the people who monitor the reflector are just not that way.  At one time
we all are at the same place you are and that wasn't too long ago, so we
know what you are going through.

There are two alternate areas for discussions regarding the kind of
information you are looking for.  One is the Flex Forums, which
unfortunately has not see a lot of traffic lately, but is the best place
for detailed discussions that last for more than a day or two (the half
life of a reflector thread) and it is easily searchable using a
graphical format. The other place is a Yahoo forum (SDR-1000), which
doesn't have the graphical hierarchy like the forums do, but does keep
discussions in a "thread".  One of the disadvantages of the Yahoo site
is the "baggage" that comes along with Yahoo in general (spam, adds,
etc..).  In reality, the Flex forums should be the best resource.

Let me see if I can describe what you are observing on the reflector.
One of the exciting things about the SDR1K is that since the software
architecture (essentially "the guts" of the radio) is open source, you
can "homebrew" by knowing a programming language.  But you can also just
be an operator where you load the release software, turn it on and

A lot of the discussions on the reflector are oriented towards software
and hardware development and for the neophyte (as I was not too long ago
and still am to a certain degree); these discussions can be "over the

What you have to keep in the back of your mind is that most of the
discussions related to bugs and such are dealing with the "alpha" code
that is under development.  The released versions are stable and very
usable for operating the radio.  If you are brave, you can run the alpha

What you are really seeing is the continuing evolution of the radio's
software.  Most of the new features are related to the UI or User
Interface.  The dynamics of the radio is what makes it exciting for me
along with the fact that it has the best damn receiver I have used and
the TX quality is excellent as well.  The CW capabilities are improving
and some of the hard core CW operators are really starting to like its

It is a great radio with a great community of users here to help you on
your SDR journey.  Don't be afraid to jump right in.

73 de W4TME

Tim Ellison
Integrated Technical Services

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ken N9VV
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 9:05 AM
To: Chris Black
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] New England user?

YOU DA MAN! good work Chris. your message is very friendly and I bet 
you get some great invites. Lets watch the list and see who 
introduces themselves :-)
  way to go!

Chris Black wrote:
> I have been monitoring this list for a few weeks now in anticipation
of purchasing an SDR-1000, but not being a software engineer, Cyborg and
computer expert, I have not taken much away other than confusion.
> I am just a radio hobbyist hoping to spend as much time at the dials
(or mouse as the case may be) as in getting whatever appliance I am
using to work. I definitely think that this concept has a bright future
when it is perfected. Will there be some kind of support group with
meetings? ... "Hi, my name is Chris and I use and SDR-1000"..., "Hi
> If there is anyone within driving distance of New England who uses
this system that might allow me the opportunity to see a demo and answer
some questions, I would most appreciate it.
> 73 de Chris Black, N1CP
> Cape Cod
> -------------- next part --------------

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