Bob --

If it's OK with you I'm taking the conversation public again, for the
time being anyway.

> Could we for example agree that there is a distributed infrastructure
> (regardless of language, protocol or encoding formats) in which services
> are hosted and that services communicate with each other through this
> infrastructure by asynchronous messaging. I would like to give it a
> name, say RSA (Radio Services Architecture) and define it properly so we
> have a frame of reference.

We're a ways away from being able to give a name like Radio Services
Architecture, yet, I think.

For a number of reasons, I propose we begin with what I'll call the
Radio Space. This seem like an appropriate term? It's metaphorically
suggestive. It's also the right concept formally, too, I believe, since
an SDR "application" will turn out in the end to be, precisely, a
topology on the Radio Space.

The points in the Radio Space are the functional nodes we've been
talking about -- the DSP, the hardware control, the audio subsystem,
pieces of the UI, etc. We will probably find it useful to flip-flop back
and forth as convenient between thinking of these components as points
or as nodes, with the Space and the topology being either point sets or

So where we start is with a bunch of nodes but no edges connecting the
nodes. There's no hierarchy or layering yet, merely a bunch of
functional components that can be made to pass messages among one

> Services are composeable, that is they can be orchestrated to produce a
> working application.

Yes. In these terms, a compositional grouping of components amounts to
inducing a coarser topology on the Radio Space. In practical terms, it
amounts to having a way to wrap them together so as to be able to deal
with them as if they were a single functional unit.

All right so far?


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